On Gear Live: Samsung S95C: The OLED TV You Can’t Afford (to Ignore!)


Posted by David Torres Categories: Prime Time, ABC, Lost,

JulietI just saw on Newsarama the teaser trailer for a new version of the old classic sci-fi show V.  I clicked on the link to check it out and to my surprise, guess who will be staring in the new show?  None other than Elizabeth Mitchell aka Juliet Burke from “LOST”.  So what does that mean?  Does Ms Mitchell do double duty or does it mean what I think it means and that the character of Juliet is indeed dead.  That sucks if it turns out to be true. 

I love the Juliet character.  I really wanted to see her character happy with Sawyer and now it seems she’s dead.  But what does that mean for the show?  Is she gone because time has been changed and Oceanic Flight 815 lands safely in L.A.?  Or was the flash of white light we saw at the end of the episode mean time travel and the remaining Losties have traveled back to 2007 as some people have hypothesized.

Another clue, another mystery and eight more months of guessing.


LOST: D.O.C. - David’s Top Five of Awesomeness

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Prime Time, NBC, Lost, Editorial, Features,

Lost DOCSo, yes, loyal Internet pals, I’m back.  What, you didn’t know I’d gone anywhere?  Double what, you don’t even read the names of the authors of these articles?  My bad (But you should check out, for example, Veronica Santiago’s Top Model recaps, which are very good.  Also, my stuff is uniformly awesome).  Anyhow, I (that would be, David L. Williams) am back from my wedding and honeymoon, which where perfect and wonderful.  Also wonderful?  Both events happened in the central time zone, aka the place where I can once again watch “” at 9pm.  Now that I’ve returned to NYC, however, I have to suck it up and stay up a little later.  But I’ll deal.
Lost, I’ve noticed, has been taking some hits in the press lately, and here are my two thoughts about this: “Shut” and “Up.”  Then again, maybe all of the negative press will drive away the casual viewers who complain to me on Thursday morning that “they really didn’t answer anything,” and when I explain how they’re wrong they’ll say, “Oh, really?  I missed a few episodes last month, so I didn’t understand what that one part meant.”  Lost should have always been a cult show, but it somehow tumbled its way into accidentally being a hit show, which is good because it means it won’t be cancelled, but bad because, well, because of the people I just mentioned.  Anyway. Lost is still head and shoulders better than anything on network TV and every week each episode has at least five awesome things about it (except for the week when Hurley found the van because … what the hell, dude?), so I’ve decided to take it upon myself to list these five awesome things after each episode.  Ready?  Okay!

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